Installation from conda package

synda transfer module is now available on anaconda.


Install an Anaconda distribution on your machine, step by step guide per OS available at:


While undertaking the synda install via conda, please make sure you’re using the proper role for this. Using sudo might not be the best idea as it is not really required at all and can interefere with other installation across the machine.

Create a synda isolated environment if you wish:

conda create -n my-synda-environment python=3.8+

Activate the created environment:

conda activate my-synda-environment

Then install synda package using command below:

conda install -c ipsl -c conda-forge synda


Specify : -c ipsl -c conda-forge (i.e. ipsl & conda-forge anaconda channels) to get the right packages. Currently all dependencies are hosted on either default conda-forge anaconda channels or the ipsl channels to ease the installation.


Now the package is installed, you’ll need to properly configure the synda work environment. To do so, the first step is the set a synda home environment variable. This will the be the directory that will harbor all the configuration, database and other required files for synda to function properly. So choose it well. For instance: /home/user/.synda would do the trick.

export ST_HOME=/path/to/synda_home_directory

At this point Synda can perform basic functions. But will still require at least initializing the stubs of the required files. The structure of synda home directory should be as follows:

> tree $ST_HOME

├── bin
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── conf
│   ├── credentials.conf
│   ├── default
│   │   ├── default_CMIP5.txt
│   │   ├── default_CMIP6.txt
│   │   └── default.txt
│   ├── internal.conf
│   └── sdt.conf
├── data
├── db
│   └── sdt.db
├── log
│   ├── debug.log
│   ├── discovery.log
│   ├── domain.log
│   └── transfer.log
├── sandbox
├── selection
│   └── sample
│       ├── sample_selection_01.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_02.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_03.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_04.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_05.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_06.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_07.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_08.txt
│       ├── sample_selection_09.txt
│       └── sample_selection_10.txt
└── tmp

Whether this is an upgrade install or a from scratch install this is how the directory tree should look. In case of a from scratch install, synda can init the environment for you at the first run of any synda command.

> synda -h
Synda has issues reaching your credential file, in ST_HOME.
Running synda initializing or checking environment tools...
Key file missing: bin/
You can either copy previously used file into your ST_HOME (/root/.synda) or use synda init-env command to
initialize a new synda home file system with stubs to fill properly.
Synda environment needs a few key files.
Would you like to init the stubs of these files? y/n:

In case the user replies positively, a directory will be created under ST_HOME with file stubs that need to be filled properly afterwards. Especially the openID credentials. Which can also be used interactively using synda.

>synda init-env or synda check-env
Would you like to set your openID credentials? y/n: y
openID url:
password: some_strong_password
Check complete.

This can also be done manually the old fashion way if the users wish to do so.